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Presonous Monitor Speakers For Sale In Lusaka

  • Presonous Monitor Speakers For Sale In Lusaka


Price : $4,500.00(Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : August 1, 2022
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : Lusaka

Presonous Monitor Speakers For Sale In Lusaka

Frequency response refers to how the monitor or speaker will change the way the audio signal sounds. Many audio devices, including microphones and audio interfaces, will have their own frequency responses. Studio monitors and monitor speakers are all designed to have as little of an effect on the audio signal as possible. The term for this is “flat” in reference to the frequency response curve.

The frequency response curve shows how the monitor alters the sound as a function of frequency. Therefore, a flat curve means there is no change in the way the monitor reproduces the input signal. In reality, a perfectly flat frequency response is impossible. But engineers do design monitor speakers to be as flat as possible within their budgetary constraints and the current technological limitations.

,LUSAKA zambia

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